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If you have never experienced Maritime weather, this sums it up; if you don’t like the weather, just wait five minutes!

Rapid weather changes are the norm on the East Coast of Canada and being prepared for inclement weather will serve you well.

As a general rule of thumb, the Atlantic coast usually experiences post-tropical storms, but a hurricane category storm is a possibility. The largest difference between the two, according to the Canadian Hurricane Center, is wind speeds. Hurricanes are 119 Km/hr+ winds, while post-tropical storms are 30 Km/hr+ winds. The government climate website has more info for the storm enthusiast.

Regardless of the wind speeds, it’s possible to experience power outages. All homeowners should have storm kits and emergency supplies on hand and also factor in the location of their home to the proximity of potential storm damage when considering where to buy.

For example, a house made of wood shingles located near the coastline will need routine maintenance to care for the shingles. Homes close to water’s edge may be at risk for flooding and is something to discuss more with your Realtor.

Speaking of flooding, water damage is one of the most destructive outcomes of hurricanes and post-tropical storms. Here are some tips to minimize your potential storm damage;

·        Inquire about flood insurance if you believe your home could be at risk

·        Clear outdoor drainage systems on or around your house of any blockages

·        Identify main water drains to the sewer to ensure the path is clear of obstruction

·        Secure or store outdoor objects, such as patio furniture, barbecues, trash or green bins, etc.

·        Care for or secure shrubbery or small plants/trees

With all of this talk about the exterior don’t forget about protecting the interior of your home!

·        Preparing electronics with surge protectors

·        Have a fresh supply of batteries

·        A battery or crank radio

·        Full tank of gas in your vehicle

·        Extra propane for your barbecue

·        Fully charge devices and back up battery packs

·        Stock up on flashlights, food, water, medication and anything else you may need if you were stranded for at least 72 hours

·        Consider a generator

More info about storm preparation can be found at the National Hurricane Centre and if your home has been affected by storm damage and you are at risk for falling behind in your mortgage payment, please contact your mortgage lender, mortgage professional and/or default loan insurer.

I’m here for all of your mortgage questions, reach out anytime!